Man coughing
Man coughing
Man coughing


What is pneumonia?

肺炎是一种由细菌、病毒或真菌引起的单肺或双肺感染. 这是一种严重的感染,其中气囊充满脓液和其他液体.

  • 大叶性肺炎影响肺的一个或多个部分(肺叶).

  • 支气管肺炎(也称为支气管肺炎)影响整个双肺的斑块.

What causes pneumonia?

肺炎有30多种不同的病因,并按病因分类. The main types of pneumonia are:

  • Bacterial pneumonia. This type is caused by various bacteria. The most common is Streptococcus pneumoniae. 它通常发生在身体虚弱的时候, such as by illness, poor nutrition, old age, or impaired immunity, 这些细菌能够进入肺部. Bacterial pneumonia can affect all ages, but you are at greater risk if you abuse alcohol, smoke cigarettes, are debilitated, have recently had surgery, have a respiratory disease or viral infection, or have a weakened immune system.

  • Viral pneumonia. This type is caused by various viruses, including the flu (influenza), 大约三分之一的肺炎病例是由它引起的. 如果你有病毒性肺炎,你可能更容易得细菌性肺炎.

  • Mycoplasma pneumonia. 这种类型有一些不同的症状和体征,被称为非典型肺炎. It is caused by the bacterium Mycoplasma pneumoniae. 它通常会引起轻度的、广泛的肺炎,影响所有年龄组.

  • Other pneumonias. 还有一些不太常见的肺炎,可能是由真菌等其他感染引起的.

Who is at risk for pneumonia?

Anyone can get pneumonia. However, the following groups are at the highest risk:

  • Adults ages 65 and older

  • Children younger than age 2

  • People with certain medical conditions

  • People that smoke

What are the symptoms of pneumonia?

The symptoms of bacterial pneumonia include:

  • Bluish color to lips and fingernails

  • 精神错乱精神错乱或精神错乱,尤指老年人

  • Cough that produces green, yellow, or bloody mucus

  • Fever

  • Heavy sweating

  • Loss of appetite

  • Low energy and extreme tiredness

  • Rapid breathing

  • Rapid pulse

  • Shaking chills

  • 剧烈或刺痛的胸痛,深呼吸或咳嗽时更严重

  • Shortness of breath that gets worse with activity

病毒性肺炎的早期症状与细菌性肺炎相同, which may be followed by:

  • Headache

  • Increasing shortness of breath

  • Muscle pain

  • Weakness

  • Worsening of the cough

Mycoplasma pneumonia has somewhat different symptoms, which include a severe cough that may produce mucus.

How is pneumonia diagnosed?

诊断通常是基于你最近的健康史(如手术), a cold, or travel exposures) and the extent of the illness. Based on these factors, 你的医疗保健提供者可能会通过全面的病史和体检来诊断肺炎. 以下检查可用于确诊:

  • Chest X-ray. 该测试拍摄内部组织、骨骼和器官(包括肺)的照片.

  • Blood tests. 这个测试可以用来看看是否感染存在,如果感染已经扩散到血液(血培养)。. 动脉血气测试检查血液中的含氧量.

  • Sputum culture. 这个测试是对从肺部咳到嘴里的物质进行的. 通常用来检查肺部是否有感染.

  • Pulse oximetry. 血氧计是一种测量血液中氧含量的小机器. A small sensor is taped or clipped onto a finger. 当机器开机时,传感器上可以看到一个小红灯. 测试是无痛的,红灯不会变热.

  • Chest CT scan. 这种成像程序使用x射线和计算机技术相结合来产生尖锐的图像, detailed horizontal, or axial, images (often called slices) of the body. CT扫描显示身体任何部位的详细图像, including the bones, muscles, fat, and organs. CT scans are more detailed than regular X-rays.

  • Bronchoscopy. 这是用一根软管(称为支气管镜)直接检查支气管(肺的主要气道)。. It helps to evaluate and diagnose lung problems, assess blockages, 并取出组织和/或液体样本进行检测,

  • Pleural fluid culture. 在这个测试中,从胸膜腔中抽取液体样本. This is the space between the lungs and chest wall. 一根细长的针穿过肋骨之间的皮肤进入胸膜间隙. Fluid is pulled into a syringe attached to the needle. 它被送到实验室进行测试,以找出引起肺炎的细菌.

How is pneumonia treated?

Treatment depends on the type of pneumonia you have. 大多数情况下,肺炎是在家里治疗的,但严重的病例可能会在医院治疗. Antibiotics are used for bacterial pneumonia. 抗生素还可以加速支原体肺炎和一些特殊病例的康复. Most viral pneumonias don’t have specific treatment. They usually get better on their own.

Other treatment may include eating well, increasing fluid intake, getting rest, oxygen therapy, pain medicine, fever control, and maybe cough-relief medicine if cough is severe.

Can pneumonia be prevented?

向你的医疗保健提供者咨询接种疫苗的事宜. The flu is a common cause of pneumonia. 正因为如此,每年接种流感疫苗可以帮助预防流感和肺炎.

There is also a pneumococcal vaccine. 它可以保护你免受一种常见的细菌性肺炎. 5岁以下的儿童和65岁以上的成年人应该接种这种疫苗.


What are the complications of pneumonia?

Most people with pneumonia respond well to treatment, but pneumonia can be very serious and even deadly.

如果你是一个老年人,你更有可能出现并发症, a very young child, have a weakened immune system, 或者有严重的健康问题,比如糖尿病或肝硬化. Complications may include:

  • Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). This is a severe form of respiratory failure.

  • Lung abscesses. 这些是在肺部内部或周围形成的脓包. They may need to be drained with surgery

  • Respiratory failure. 这需要使用呼吸机或呼吸机.

  • Sepsis. This is when the infection gets into the blood. It may lead to organ failure.

Key points about pneumonia

  • 肺炎是一种由细菌、病毒或真菌引起的单肺或双肺感染.

  • 肺炎有30多种不同的病因,并按病因分类. 肺炎的主要类型是细菌性、病毒性和支原体肺炎.

  • 咳嗽产生绿色、黄色或带血的粘液是肺炎最常见的症状. 其他症状包括发烧、颤抖发冷、呼吸急促、精力不足和极度疲劳.

  • 肺炎通常可以通过彻底的病史和体检来诊断. Tests used to look at the lungs, blood tests, 对你咳出的痰进行测试也可以使用.

  • Treatment depends on the type of pneumonia you have. Antibiotics are used for bacterial pneumonia. 它还可以加速从支原体肺炎和一些特殊病例的康复. 大多数病毒性肺炎没有特定的治疗方法,只能自行好转. Other treatment may include a healthy diet, more fluids, rest, oxygen therapy, and medicine for pain, cough, and fever control.

  • Most people with pneumonia respond well to treatment, 但是肺炎会导致严重的肺部和感染问题. It can even be deadly.

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