Woman walking outside and experiencing chest discomfort
Woman walking outside and experiencing chest discomfort
Woman walking outside and experiencing chest discomfort

Coronavirus and Cardiovascular Disease: Don’t Ignore Heart Symptoms



If you have a heart problem, whether sudden or long-standing, working with a doctor is a must. 但在冠状病毒大流行期间, not everyone is getting medical help for heart issues — even potentially serious ones, 如 心脏病心脏衰竭心律失常 (心律不齐)等.

Despite the focus on COVID-19, heart problems 是n’t taking a break during the pandemic. 心脏病专家 查尔斯·洛温斯坦,m.s.D., helps explain why patients with cardiovascular disease — and those who 是 experiencing heart trouble for the first time — should seek c是 now.

Should heart disease patients see their doctors during the coronavirus pandemic?

是的. 但自从冠状病毒大流行开始以来, all health c是 visits in the United States have declined drastically, with some hospitals reporting a drop-off of 30% to 40% of patients.

为什么人们不去看医生? Some 是 afraid of catching 导致COVID-19的冠状病毒 at health c是 facilities. People living with heart problems might be especially wary, since 心血管疾病 是 associated with severe coronavirus disease and a higher risk of death.

其他人可能会忽略他们的症状, assuming doctors 是 too busy with coronavirus patients to treat them.

What to Expect During Your Cardiology 远程医疗 Visit

If you have a heart condition or 是 having concerning heart-related symptoms, 得到你需要的护理是很重要的. 远程医疗, 或者虚拟健康访问, offers patients an additional option to consult with their physicians.

心脏病的症状? 现在就出现的两个理由

If you have signs of a heart problem, there 是 two very good reasons to get help now:

首先,对于一些心脏问题,分秒必争. Blocked blood flow to the heart or an abnormal heartbeat need attention right away. A 心脏病 can result in permanent damage to the heart muscle within 30 minutes. Delaying help could mean you end up with a more serious problem that could result in a hospital stay — or even death.

Second, hospitals 是 taking steps to prevent exposure to the coronavirus. Doctors and hospitals 是 ready to c是 for patients who have problems other than COVID-19.

例如,在约翰霍普金斯大学, 我们的医院保障推荐十大正规网赌平台安全 通过这些步骤:

  • 对患者和工作人员进行检测和筛查
  • 使用口罩和防护装备
  • 彻底清洁消毒
  • 物理距离
  • 经常洗手


Some 心脏病s come on gradually, with mild symptoms that get worse over time. 另一些则是突然发生,伴有更强烈的不适.


  • 密性, 挤压感, pain or pressure in the chest that doesn’t go away after a few minutes, 或者停止,然后返回
  • Pain or discomfort in your arms, 脖子, jaw, back or stomach
  • 呼吸急促(气促)
  • 头晕
  • 恶心想吐
  • 一身冷汗

Do not drive yourself to the emergency department: Call 911 or have someone drive you.

Even if you’re not sure you’re having a heart issue, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Call 911 or get to a hospital, where doctors can examine and treat you promptly. 


心脏病在男性和女性身上的表现是不同的. While men’s 心脏病s 是 more likely to cause chest pain and discomfort as a main symptom, 女性心脏病发作 会引起背部等其他部位的疼痛吗, 脖子, 下巴或胃, 伴随着呼吸短促, 头晕和突然疲劳.



To request an in-person or 远程医疗 appointment with a Johns Hopkins cardiologist, call 443-997-0270.


Some heart symptoms may point to a possible infection with SARS-CoV-2, 导致COVID-19的冠状病毒. COVID-19心脏问题 包括心肌损伤或血栓吗.

Can I get help for chronic heart problems during COVID-19?

是的. “The pandemic is not affecting the c是 of anyone who has a chronic or urgent heart or vascular problem,洛温斯坦说. “We’re continuing to see new patients and established patients, and we’re continuing to carry out procedures on patients. If you need urgent c是, you and your family should know that we can, and we will, take c是 of you.

“我们的心导管实验室开始营业了, 如果你心脏病发作了, 或者任何严重的, 急性冠状动脉疾病, 我们正在做心导管插入术. 我们的电生理实验室开始营业了. 如果你的心脏节律不正常, we’ll put in a pacemaker or a defibrillator if you need it.”

“We’re here, we’re safe and we’ll take good c是 of you.”

查尔斯•洛温斯坦 explains why it’s safe to get help for heart issues, 从小问题到危及生命的事件.

非紧急心脏问题怎么办? COVID-19期间我必须去医生办公室吗?

洛温斯坦说,并非总是如此. 虽然 这是安全的 for patients to see their doctors in the office during the COVID-19 pandemic, 对一些人来说, 还有另一种选择.

许多心脏病专家和初级保健医生提供 远程医疗, which enables patients to meet with their doctors by computer, 平板电脑或智能手机进行咨询和随访. It’s an easy, convenient alternative to driving to the doctor’s office to be seen in person.

“我们会评估你的情况, and schedule an in-person or virtual visit within the first two weeks after you call us up,洛温斯坦说. “如果你有 MyChart 账户和智能手机, 平板电脑或电脑, 我们会安排你们面谈, 实时视频访问.”

How can I plan ahead for heart problems during the coronavirus pandemic?

The best time to prep是 for a medical emergency is before it happens. 以下是一些建议:

  • Put emergency numbers into your smartphone or post them where you can find them easily.
  • For those with known heart disease risk who live alone, consider a wearable medical alert device.
  • Keep a two-week supply of all your medications in the house at all times while the coronavirus pandemic is still happening.
  • 不要耽误定期看医生, 总的来说,哪种方法可以帮助你保持健康, and help your doctor spot warning signs of heart trouble.
  • Work with your doctor to manage 心脏病 risk factors 如 high cholesterol, 糖尿病, 肥胖和吸烟.



我们知道你很关心安全. Learn about the steps we’re taking to keep you safe for your next appointment.